Lornarは、単独Beacon's Perchでgreat Hill Giantの侵入を抑える
※Lonarは伝説のDwf War
583 AE Elona Collapse of the Great Dynasty.
Start of the Pretender Wars and the Shattered Dynasty Era.
大王朝崩壊 Pretender Warsの開始とShattered王朝時代の始まり
640 AE Elona Last of the Shattered Dynasties collapse. Elona emerges as three allied provinces--
Kourna, Istan, and Vabbi.
Shattered王朝崩壊 ElonaがKourna、Istan、Vabbiの3つの連合国として興る
694 AE Cantha The infamously cruel Emperor Singtah is burned alive in the first Raisu Palace.
His son, Senvho begins building the second Raisu Palace.
Beginning of the Age of the Tortoise.
彼の息子SenvhoはRaisu宮殿の構築を始める Tortoise時代の幕開け
712 AE Elona First of the Great Corsair Wars.
最初のGreat Corsair Wars
757 AE Elona Palawa Joko builds his Bone Palace in the Desolation.
Palawa Jokoは、荒廃した彼のBone Palaceを再構築
774 AE Cantha Emperor Senvho's dies on the new throne of Raisu Palace.
851 AE Lord Odran becomes the first mortal to enter the Rift.
860 AE Tyria Nolani is founded.
Elona Palawa Joko invades Elona, captures most of the Northern Province,
earns the sobriquet "Scourge of Vabbi."
Palawa Jokoは、Elonaに侵入し北部州の大部分を手中に収める
後に、Vabbiの惨劇 といわれる
862 AE Elona Turai Ossa defeats Palawa Joko at the Battle of Jahai.
The Order of Whispers seals away Palawa Joko.
Turai osはJahaiの戦いでPalawa Jokoを破る
Order of Whispers達はJokoを遠方に密閉する
868 AE Elona Turai Ossa leads the Great Pilgrimage into the Crystal Desert.
Turai OssaはCrystal Desertへ大巡礼を導く
870 AE Tyria The Burnt Warband, part of the Flame Legion,
discovers the Titans at the Hrangmer volcano and declares them as deities.
Burnt Warband(炎の軍団の一部)は、Hrangmer火山でタイタンを発見し、
872 AE Canthan diplomats in the northern kingdoms return to Cantha and trade declines
due toincreased pirate attacks.
増加した海賊の攻撃の為、貿易が著しく低下 Canthan外交官は次々に帰国
Cantha Shiro Tagachi slain in the Harvest Temple of Cantha after killing Emperor Angsiyan.
The bloodline is unbroken when his son Emperor Hanjai
(Kisu's great-great grandfather)ascends to the throne.
Beginning of the Age of the Dragon.
Shiro Tagachi は皇帝Angsiyanを殺害した後、Canthaの収穫神殿で殺される
874 AE Elona Istan and Vabbi restore their clanmarshals.
Kourna retains warmarshal ruler, Kunai Ossa.
While Kunai Ossa refuses the Dynastic Crown, all warmarshals of Kourna are from
the Ossa clan.
IstanのVabbiはclanmarshalsを復元する Kournaはwarmarshal rulerを保つ
Kunai Ossa は王朝の王冠を拒絶する、Ossa clanすべてのwarmarshalsから担がれる
880 AE Cantha Increased hostility from the Tengu.
Open war with the Angchu Tengu averted through Emperor Hanjai's personal
ambassador's efforts.
Sensali Tengu claim the Angchu as traitors.
Angchu Tenguとの開戦は皇帝Hanjaiの個人的な大使の努力によって回避
Sensali TenguはAngchuを裏切り者であると主張
886 AE Cantha Inhabitants of Courthouse Square successfully petition the Celestial Ministry to
rename the neighborhood Vizunah Square in honor of Vizu for her efforts
against ShiroTagachi.
Courthouse Squareの人々は、Vizuに敬意を表し彼女のShiro Tagachiに
対する功績を讃えVizunah Square と改名するように天体省に請願
898 AE Tyria The Great Northern Wall is erected.
Great Northern Wallが建立される
899 AE Elona Great Fortress of Jahai established at the Grand Cataract.
Jahai巨大要塞Grand Cataractで確立
900 AE Elona Successful merchant Amaki Voss establishes herself as the clanmarshal
for life of the city of Makuun, becoming the first "prince" of Vabbi.
成功商人Amaki Vossは、Vabbiの最初の王子となり、Makuunの都市に
clan marshalとしての地位を確立
902 AE Tyria Cantha Long-standing trade agreements between the Tyrian kingdoms
and the Canthan Empire dissolved by imperial decree.
長きに渡ったTyrian kingdomsとCanthan Empire間貿易が解消
940 AE Cantha's embassy formally closed in Ascalon City and Elona. Corsair activity rises
as a result of this.
Ascalon CityとElonaにおけるCanthaの大使館が正式に閉鎖
982 AE Elona Second Great Corsair War begins.
1013 AE The Guild Wars begin in Tyria.
TyriaにてGuild Wars 始まる
1016 AE Elona Second Great Corsair War ends with Seamarshal Matoha's defeat
of Lady Glaive's Armada.
Istan established as maritime power.
第二大コルセア大戦はLady Glaive's ArmadaのSeamarshal Matohaの敗北で終わる
1017 AE Cantha The Luxons and Kurzicks of Cantha end formal diplomatic contact,
communicating with each other only when required
(and almost always through official liaisons of the Celestial Ministry).
1020 AE Tyria Surmia is founded.
1022 AE Tyria Cantha Ermenred of Ascalon travels to Cantha to meet Emperor Kintah.
Informal trade routes open between the two nations.
1058 AE Cantha Kintah dies and is succeeded by his son Kisu,
who becomes the 31st Canthan Emperor.
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